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Re: Louis CK rumors, what did Notaro know at time of "legendary," cancer set.

Narrative is a big word/concept nowadays. So is brand. Here's the narrative that Tig Notaro wants you to follow to promote her "brand" :

Sometime in 2012, after a series of adversities, she finds out she has stage 2 cancer in both breasts. She does't take to the fetal position but instead performs some monumental cancer set, in response to the diagnosis. Lo and behold. Who is in the audience that night but one of those serious influencer types- Louis CK. Influencer is also a big word/concept nowadays.

He is there by chance, bears witness, and he is left aghast but in a good way. Beyond impressed, he takes to twitter,then to his website and then to NPR and elsewhere to make sure everyone must know of such a magnificent display of comic mastery in the face of unrelenting adversity...

Flash forward to NPR, and other assorted usual suspect elite media markets, all over the story. Brave, heroic, legendary they profess,telling us is it's a viral sensation story even though it really wasn't. You'd have to live under a rock not to hear of it a Buzzfeed writer told us at the time, even though that just isn't true- the overwhelming mass of humanity has never heard of it still.

Flash forwards years later and Notaro and Louis CK's cancer story is bearing some fancy fruit- Notaro is on all the late night talk shows and out with Showtime and HBO specials. I might be biased but it still feels like she's found something short of fame.

Flssh forward to recently- Notaro is calling out her mentor of all mentors -- Louis CK-- for stealing some SNL idea(Some bull called, "Clown Service,") though CK was merely the host and not the writer.

 Implicit in Ms. Notaro's accusation is that the sketch or small film or whatever you want to call it is that Tig Notaro is so famous so important that Louis CK knows of whatever she might produce and thusly he brazenly filched her "Clown Service" idea from her and tried to pass it off as his own.

You'd think that's bad enough. Notaro's narrative is getting all screwy - the protege is turning on her mentor.: the man who gave her any success she can profess.

A few months later and Notaro is at Louis CK's neck again. Now she is giving this interview to the influential Daily Beast:

Notaro says that she and C.K. had “an incident” before One Mississippi even started, but she declines to offer any specifics. “We don’t talk since then,” she says. “So as far as what he’s doing or what he’s done…” At that point she trails off and asks me if C.K. has ever “acknowledged” the sexual-misconduct allegations against him.

“I think it’s important to take care of that, to handle that, because it’s serious to be assaulted,” Notaro says in response. “It’s serious to be harassed. It’s serious, it’s serious, it’s serious.”
“And that’s what we want to do with this show,” she continues. “We of course want to create comedy, but we also really, really feel like we have the opportunity to do something with One Mississippi, because it does not stop. And, you know, I walk around doing shows at comedy clubs and you just hear from people left and right of what some big-shot comedian or person has done. People just excuse it.”

She is more than implying that Louis  CK is a molester of women and that any rumor you might have heard along the way is not unfounded(founded?)

So let's see what kind of Narrative Tig Notaro is after here: Brave cancer survivor is such a woman of principle that in spite of the fact Louis Ck handed her the keys to the kingdom, she's willing to speak out, to call him out.

What narrative do I see? Well the timing of Louis CK's support of Notaro's said show strikes me as very strange.

In March 2012,the rumor mill heats up when Gawker writes this blind item

A few months later, August of 2012, the cancer set and Lois CK's unceasing support.

What did Notaro know at the time he propelled her into semi stardom?

If you wonder why I care more than most - please read this

The idea that this "Tig"Notaro creature is trying to maintain any moral high ground... UGGHHHHHHHH


  1. beloved comedian??? CK ?? please..... and titless is off her rocker. if she was ever on it to begin with. why is she so 'famous'? whyyyyyy??? there is so much wrong with her that could be it's own blog.

  2. I just love you Donna. I do. Love that fancy name and your whole style. You my kind of people. xooooooooooox. please do write a blog about how godawful she is xooooooooooo

  3. Ciao Bella ! Great news! OK, not so great at all...but disturbing link about the beloved and the psychotica here: Trigger Warning: Pictures of both appear in article:

    I just love you right back. XXOO

  4. Tis me again.....(allowing sufficient for you to dance with joy)..with a PS: check those comments in that NYT article.....have a large container nearby to vomit in....I cannot believe the quasi defenders of the beloved and their statements , such as :"Having someone masturbate in front of you, while repulsive and dehumanizing, is NOT the worst of the trauma these women went through."

    REALLY? How the hell does she know? Has she ever SEEN a penis???? Much less one being manipulated by an ugly gross so called man.... i beg to differ, even in my ever expanding mind, I find the thought of it Traumatizing. SO what if he asked women if he could choke his chicken in front of them, so what if they were so shocked they were struck dumb..... the beloved must be exposed to the full extent of every women he visually assaulted with his no doubt tiny appendage..... Thank you for listening. I am happy you could not hear me screaming in outrage and yes, my Kafkaesque SORROW. oy. and also yo.

    1. How on earth did you know I did a happy dance. funny, sweet and psychic. once again.... my kind of people. oh no not the kafkaesque sorrow. those suck. Tig Notaro is a master at inflicting trauma on women so this is all too rich to digest just now. I just hope enough people wonder what took this "Tig" so long and that the truth comes out about her big enough to make her as hated a creature as she deserves to be .

  5. Just checking in again to reach out to the sheer fabulousness that is Donna Sotto le Stelle! OMG the swelling affection is almost uncomfortable since I can't reach out and give this hilarious sweetheart a profound bear hug.

  6. Happy 2018 sweetheart.. w/o the idiocy that is "tig".....

    1. This just made my day. Donna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy New Year too my dear. Her show got cancelled and please read this if you can... a little strange comeuppance. But I agree I hope this is a tigless year for me and all. I'm hugging you in my head!

  7. I got your email!!!! (squeals like a little girl)....As long as everyone stands a little closer apart from ...i can't type that name.......all will be well....other than trump.

    1. I squealed like a little girl pig when I saw your comment. It is the words worst name. Especially for a grizzled husk like her. yeah trump is a PROBLEM. kisses back dear sweetstuff.


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